02 February, 2012

About Constance Gadell-Newton

Connie Gadell-Newton graduated from the Penn State Dickinson School of Law in 2008 and began working with Bob Fitrakis on election law projects shortly after graduation.  She was sworn in to the Ohio Bar in October, 2009 and started the law firm with Bob Fitrakis in 2010. 

Together, Fitrakis and Gadell-Newton have worked on several interesting legal issues,  such as the Antioch College case which resulted in the reorganization of the College, and the Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment of 2012,  which, if passed, would legalize medical cannabis in Ohio.  Although Bob Fitrakis has been the public face for many of these legal issues,  Connie Gadell-Newton has done much of the research and important behind the scenes work that have made these projects possible. 

In addition to the more political cases, Connie Gadell-Newton also takes on many cases in general areas of the law, including Bankruptcy, Criminal Misdemeanors, OVI and Traffic cases, Domestic Relations, and Landlord Tenant cases.  Connie would be happy to speak with you about your legal issue.  Please email fgnlegal@gmail.com for more information or to set up an appointment. 

01 February, 2012

About Robert Fitrakis

Bob Fitrakis brings a long history of social activism and community advocacy into his practice of law. Fitrakis is heavily involved in politics and independent media, and accepts political, election law, and media cases. Fitrakis earned his J.D. from the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law in 2002, and he was an Election Protection attorney on November 2, 2004 in Franklin County. He called the first public hearings on voter suppression and election irregularities and was one of four attorneys to file a challenge to Ohio's presidential elections results: Moss v. Bush and Moss v. Moyer. Fitrakis and Gadell-Newton filed a Complaint to the Ohio Attorney General on behalf of the Citizens of Green County, Ohio, which resulted in the reopening of Antioch College. They filed a similar Complaint on behalf of the Faculty Association at Wilberforce University, with an investigation still pending. Fitrakis is running for Congress in the 3rd district, central Ohio, in the Green Party in 2012. He serves on the Central Committee of the Franklin County Green Party and is Co-Chair of the Ohio Green Party. He also serves as legal counsel for Occupy Columbus.

31 January, 2012

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